Terra Kotta Farms was born in 2011, knowing that our mission would be simple yet unique. One recognizable fact that was ever so apparent is how food habits affect people in negative ways. We saw a need for people wanting to know where their food comes from and how it is grown. Furthermore, we found people wanting to learn how to grow their own food in their back yards.
We are passionate individuals with a zest to make a difference, and we knew together we wanted to create a sustainable family business. Not just any business but a solid foundation that could continue through the generations, while creating a balance and a way to give-back so that the future is brighter for our children and generations beyond.
With Scott’s unlimited passion for conservation and Allison’s love of culinary health we thought an organic farm would be a match made-in-heaven.
Terra Kotta Farms was introduced to the public in April of 2013 with the first Midlands Farm Tour organized by Whole Foods in Columbia, South Carolina, and has been blessed with many, many visitors since.
Terra Kotta Farms is a sustainable farm where we focus on organically grown nutrient dense produce; pasture raised chicken, and pasture raised eggs. Our operation is year-round and offers select seasonal products.
Terra Kotta Farms has become a teaching farm- an incubator of sorts- where people come to walk around freely, and see many facets of farming and sustainability. We welcome those looking to start an operation of their own, homesteaders or just savvy consumers wanting to witness food production as it was intended.